Whitney Houston Biennial
The Whitney Museum of American Art
February 2010

Photo by Kevin Tachman

The Whitney offered me rehearsal time in the galleries during regular museum hours to prepare for my evening performance. Five dancers and I performed “rehearsal,” with me playing the enraged choreographer, screaming at the dancers and disturbing the impromptu audience.
Later that night, five Whitney docents acted as low-tech karaoke leaders using lyrics written on posterboard. As the docents held up signs with five different Whitney Houston titles on them, the audience gathered around their favorite song title. A docent assistant captured the group’s rendition of the song on a walkie-talkie. Each of the five walkie-talkies had a sister walkie-talkie on each of the Whitney’s five floors. When the song is broadcast, one of the dancers from earlier broke into a solo dance in the middle of the galleries, performing for a new unsuspecting audience.