Showroom MAMA, Rotterdam
June 2013

Audience members were given a questionnaire that allowed them, based on their answers, to tailor-make a three-minute performance—decide its color scheme, tone, corporate sponsor, subject matter, and so on. Local visitors could fill the form out in person while visitors abroad could fill the survey out online and watch their performance via Livestream. In both cases, five minutes after they handed in their survey, they were presented a custom made performance. A mathematician calculated that there were 78 million different options for the form of the work to take, and participants made full use of this variability. At the end of the day, however, there was also only one option—a Ryan McNamara performance.

Sam Roeck, Ryan McNamara

Ryan McNamara, Athena Lemonfish

What color scheme would you prefer? White
Would you like music to be featured? Yes
If so, what type of music? Diana Ross and The Supremes
Which props would you like to be involved? (choose up to 4) Wigs, Broom
Which lighting sources would you live to be utilized? strobe light
Which product placement do you prefer? Apple
What tone would you like your performance to have? Hopeful
What amount of activity should be involved? Hyper
What, if any, of the following should be referenced in the performance? (no answer)
What disciplines would you like to be demonstrated? Singing
Would you like the performers to interact with you? Yes
Who would you like the performers to think about during the performance? Their parents
Should a goblin be involved? No
Do you prefer big or low-budget productions? Low Budget